Peacock Dreams Poem Lyrics In English

 In the heart of twilight's gentle embrace,

Where the sky meets the earth's warm grace,

A peacock dreams in vibrant hues,

A dance of feathers, a magical muse.

Beneath the canopy of a celestial scene,

The peacock's dreams unfold, serene.

A palette of colors, a mesmerizing sight,

In the canvas of night, where dreams take flight.

With each step, a symphony of grace,

A dance that time cannot erase.

The moonlight whispers secrets untold,

As the peacock's dreams slowly unfold.

In the garden of stars, where wishes bloom,

The peacock paints the night with its plume.

Azure blues and emerald greens,

A kaleidoscope of dreams, a sight to be seen.

Mystical whispers in the rustling leaves,

The peacock's dreams, the heart believes.

Feathers that shimmer, like jewels in the sky,

A celestial ballet, where dreams never die.

As the night deepens, the peacock's trance,

A dance of dreams in a cosmic expanse.

Moonbeams cascade, like a silken stream,

Reflecting the magic of the peacock's dream.

Eyes like galaxies, deep and profound,

In the peacock's dreams, mysteries abound.

A celestial waltz, a cosmic ballet,

In the realm of dreams, the peacock holds sway.

The stars, like diamonds, adorn the night,

As the peacock dreams take their flight.

A tapestry woven with threads of moonlight,

In the peacock's dreams, everything feels right.

Echoes of ancient tales in the zephyr's sigh,

As the peacock's dreams paint the sky.

A lullaby whispered by the night's embrace,

In the garden of dreams, the peacock finds its space.

In the stillness of night, a magical trance,

The peacock's dreams in a cosmic dance.

A melody of colors, a symphony of desire,

In the peacock's dreams, the soul catches fire.

And as dawn's first light begins to gleam,

The peacock awakens from its nocturnal dream.

Yet, in the heart of day, the colors gleam,

For the peacock's dreams are more than they seem.

In the tapestry of time, where dreams take flight,

The peacock's dreams shimmer in the morning light.

A timeless dance, a celestial theme,

In the peacock's dreams, life finds its dream.

In a realm of emerald dreams, where twilight kisses the day,

Beneath the canvas of the heavens, a peacock dances ballet.

Its plumage, a kaleidoscope of azure, sapphire, and jade,

Unfurls in the moonlit night, a celestial masquerade.

Upon the canvas of the sky, the peacock weaves its tale,

Each feather a note, in a symphony beyond the veil.

A melody of colors, painted in strokes divine,

In the tapestry of the night, where dreams entwine.

In the garden of midnight, where stars bloom like flowers,

The peacock pirouettes, enchanted by moonlit hours.

Its eyes, like precious jewels, gleam with secrets untold,

Reflecting the mysteries, in the silver night's hold.

With every graceful step, it conjures dreams anew,

A dance of cosmic whispers, where fantasy comes true.

The moon, a silent spectator, bathes in the splendid sight,

As the peacock enchants, weaving dreams in the night.

The feathers catch the zephyr, a soft and gentle breeze,

Carrying the dreams afar, beneath the moonlit seas.

They flutter like confetti, in a celebration rare,

A carnival of wishes, suspended in the air.

Oh, peacock of the night, what visions do you see?

In your dreams of splendor, in your realm so free.

Do you wander through galaxies, on wings of stardust fair,

Chasing the constellations, with grace beyond compare?

In the heart of midnight's garden, where shadows come alive,

The peacock dreams unfold, in a waltz of dreams to dive.

Each feather tells a story, written in cosmic ink,

A tale of magic and wonder, where dreams interlink.

The stars, like fireflies, illuminate the peacock's way,

As it pirouettes through nebulae, in the cosmic ballet.

And as the night wanes, giving way to dawn's embrace,

The peacock folds its dreams, leaving a trace.

In the first light of morning, when dreams gently retire,

The peacock, a silhouette against the sun's golden fire.

Yet, in the heart of day, its dreams linger on,

A testament to the magic, in the night that's gone.

So, let us cherish the peacock's dreams, in the stillness of the night,

For in its dance and plumage, lies a celestial light.

In the realm of emerald dreams, where twilight softly gleams,

The peacock weaves its magic, in a symphony of dreams.

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