Majestic Mosaic Poem Lyrics In English

 In the garden of colors, where nature weaves its tale,

A majestic mosaic unfolds, a peacock's feathered trail.

With hues that dance and shimmer, in the sunlight's warm embrace,

A symphony of shades emerges, a breathtaking display of grace.

Beneath the azure canvas, where the sky meets the earth,

The peacock proudly strides, displaying its regal worth.

Feathers ablaze with iridescence, a kaleidoscope of dreams,

Each plume a work of art, in the sun's golden beams.

Emerald green like meadows, where serenity takes flight,

Touches of sapphire and cobalt, painting the day and night.

A tapestry of opulence, spun with celestial threads,

The peacock's plumage whispers of stories, yet unsaid.

In the moonlit garden, where shadows softly play,

The peacock unfurls its tail, in the stillness of the bay.

Moonbeams caress each feather, like a lover's gentle kiss,

As the night becomes a canvas, for the peacock's silent bliss.

Amidst the petals of the roses, where fragrance lingers sweet,

The peacock pirouettes, its dance a rhythmic feat.

A ballet of elegance, on nature's grand stage,

The peacock enchants the world, with its timeless sage.

Topaz and amethyst, woven in the fabric of its plumes,

As if the universe conspired, in its cosmic looms.

A celestial embroidery, in the silent cosmic sea,

The peacock's presence echoes, in nature's grand decree.

In the twilight's tender glow, where day meets the night,

The peacock guards its realm, with feathers burning bright.

A guardian of secrets, in the cathedral of the trees,

The peacock reigns supreme, with the wind as its keys.

Each quill a silent lyric, in the ballad of the wild,

Tales of ancient mystique, by the moonlight compiled.

A creature of enchantment, in the symphony of the spheres,

The peacock's song resounds, calming all earthly fears.

So, in the garden of colors, where nature's palette gleams,

The peacock dances on, in the tapestry of dreams.

A majestic mosaic, woven with threads of delight,

In the poetry of plumage, the peacock takes its flight.

In a garden of emerald hues,

Where sun-kissed flowers gently snooze,

A creature of majestic grace,

Unfurls its plumes in a breathtaking embrace.

The peacock, a living mosaic of art,

With feathers that shimmer and play their part.

Each quill a stroke in nature's grand design,

A masterpiece of color, a sight divine.

In the morning light, the peacock awakes,

Its feathers rustling as the dawn breaks.

A dance of elegance, a ballet in the dew,

A symphony of hues, an enchanting view.

Azure, indigo, and a touch of gold,

A regal palette, a story untold.

The peacock struts with a royal air,

A creature adorned beyond compare.

With eyespots that capture the cosmic gaze,

It parades, a sovereign in a vibrant maze.

A celestial dance, a celestial song,

The peacock's melody echoes strong.

Each feather a note in nature's own choir,

A composition that sets hearts on fire.

The sun dips low, and the moon takes flight,

The peacock rests, bathed in silver light.

Yet, within this living tapestry,

A tale of ancient mythology.

In Hindu lore, a sacred emblem,

A symbol of beauty, a royal diadem.

In the mosaic of life, the peacock's tale,

A narrative of splendor, in colors that prevail.

A dance of existence, a dance of the soul,

In every feather, a story to be told.

The peacock's plumes, a celestial array,

A reminder that beauty will always stay.

In the tapestry of time, a vibrant thread,

A majestic mosaic, where legends are bred.

So, let us cherish this avian delight,

In the day's brilliance and the quiet of night.

For in the peacock's gaze and radiant bloom,

We find a majestic mosaic, a timeless heirloom.

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