Harmony of the Tail Poem Lyrics In English

 In a tranquil garden where nature's symphony unfolds,

A peacock struts, a tale of beauty to be told.

Its plumes, a vibrant palette of the heavens' hue,

Dancing in harmony, a spectacle to view.

Beneath the emerald canopy, where flowers bloom,

The peacock stirs, casting off impending gloom.

Its tail, a cascade of azure and gold,

A tapestry of wonder, a story to be told.

As the sun dips low, casting a golden glow,

The peacock unfurls its majestic show.

Each feather a note in nature's sweet song,

A melody that echoes, serene and strong.

The first feather, a crescent moon in twilight's embrace,

Glistens with the promise of a starry space.

Silver and sapphire, a celestial theme,

A celestial lullaby, a mesmerizing dream.

The second feather, a sunburst in the sky,

Radiates warmth, a gentle lullaby.

Amber and topaz, a fiery embrace,

A harmonious dance in the vast cosmic space.

The third feather, an ocean wave in azure grace,

Whispers tales of a watery chase.

Turquoise and cobalt, a maritime trance,

A melody that echoes, a rhythmic dance.

The fourth feather, a meadow in emerald green,

Sways in the breeze, a tranquil scene.

Jade and peridot, a verdant ballet,

A harmony of life, a pastoral display.

The fifth feather, a flame in ruby red,

Ignites the senses, a passion widespread.

Crimson and garnet, a fervent fire,

A symphony of emotions, a burning desire.

Together they weave a tapestry of hues,

A peacock's tail, a masterpiece to choose.

Harmony in diversity, a lesson to learn,

In each feather's whisper, in each vibrant turn.

Yet, the peacock knows the dance must end,

As twilight deepens, and shadows descend.

But fear not the night, for it is not the end,

In dreams, the peacock's dance transcends.

So in the garden, where nature's tale is spun,

The peacock's melody lingers on.

A harmony of the tail, a serenade of grace,

In the heart's garden, a sacred space.

In the heart of a tranquil glade,

Where emerald leaves gently cascade,

A peacock danced with hues arrayed,

A symphony of colors, a spectacle displayed.

In the tapestry of twilight's hue,

The peacock unfurls its plumes anew,

A dance of opulence, a dazzling view,

Nature's artist, in feathers true.

Beneath the canvas of the setting sun,

The peacock's melody had begun,

A harmonious tale, woven as one,

In the realm where day and night are spun.

Feathers of azure, like sapphire dreams,

Woven with gold, in radiant streams,

A kaleidoscope of celestial schemes,

The peacock's dance, a poetry of gleams.

Each plume a verse, a lyrical note,

In the symphony, the peacock wrote,

A tale of beauty, with colors afloat,

On the palette of nature, a masterpiece smote.

Cerulean echoes, a cobalt refrain,

Whispers of indigo, a celestial gain,

Emerald whispers, a verdant terrain,

In the harmony of the tail, a vibrant chain.

The peacock's silhouette against the sky,

A living canvas, where colors lie,

In the quietude, a painter's sigh,

Nature's artistry, ascending high.

A ballet of feathers, a dance so divine,

In the twilight's embrace, the colors entwine,

A serenade of plumes, in a rhythm benign,

The peacock's melody, a tale to enshrine.

With every step, the peacock weaved,

A tapestry of colors, in patterns conceived,

In the twilight's caress, the dance retrieved,

A harmony of the tail, in nature achieved.

As the moon ascends, a silent ovation,

To the peacock's dance, a celestial narration,

In the symphony of the night, a jubilation,

A nocturnal sonnet, an ethereal sensation.

In the heart of the glade, where shadows sigh,

The peacock's dance bids the day goodbye,

A melody echoing in the midnight sky,

Harmony of the tail, a lullaby.

So, in the realm where colors conspire,

The peacock's dance, an eternal lyre,

In the harmony of the tail, a celestial fire,

Nature's poetry, an everlasting desire.

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