Dancing Colors Poem Lyrics In English

 In a garden of hues, where nature unfolds,

A peacock emerges, its beauty untold.

Feathers ablaze with colors so bright,

Dancing with grace in the soft twilight.

A canvas of green, a splash of blue,

The peacock struts with a majestic view.

Its plumes like a painter's vibrant strokes,

A masterpiece of nature, a dance that evokes.

Gold and emerald in a mesmerizing blend,

With every step, a kaleidoscope to send.

A symphony of colors in the moonlit night,

The peacock's dance, a breathtaking sight.

The rhythm of the breeze, the rustling leaves,

Witness the ballet as the peacock weaves.

A tale of colors, a story to be told,

In the language of hues, a spectacle unfolds.

Cobalt cascades and sapphire serenades,

The peacock twirls in a shimmering cascade.

A ballet of colors, an ethereal trance,

Each feather a note, a vibrant dance.

The moonlight paints its feathers with silver,

A dance of magic, a sight to deliver.

Eyes adorned with a turquoise gaze,

The peacock whirls in a vibrant daze.

Ruby red and amethyst dreams,

In the moonlit garden, the peacock beams.

A celebration of colors, a nocturnal affair,

Dancing gracefully, without a care.

The night sky applauds with twinkling stars,

As the peacock's dance reaches near and far.

A melody of colors, a celestial rhyme,

A dance that transcends the bounds of time.

In the tapestry of night, the peacock's plumes,

Whisper tales of ancient, enchanted rooms.

A dance that speaks in colors profound,

In the stillness of night, a magical sound.

As dawn approaches, the dance slows down,

The peacock retreats with a majestic crown.

Yet, in the memories of the night so grand,

The dancing colors of the peacock will forever stand.

In a garden of dreams, where magic resides,

The peacock's dance in memory abides.

A lyrical ballet of colors so divine,

In the heart of nature, a timeless design.

In a garden of emerald green,

Where nature's artistry is seen,

A peacock struts with regal grace,

Adorning feathers, a vibrant embrace.

Dancing colors in the sunlight,

A mesmerizing, splendid sight.

The peacock's plume, a living hue,

A tapestry of azure, green, and blue.

Feathers cascade like a waterfall,

A kaleidoscope, a grand enthrall.

Each quill a stroke of nature's brush,

A masterpiece in the daylight's hush.

The sun-kissed feathers catch the breeze,

As if the wind itself appease.

They flutter, shimmer, and declare,

The peacock's dance, beyond compare.

With a fan of feathers, he displays,

A mesmerizing, intricate ballet.

Cobalt blues and viridian greens,

A symphony of colors, a vibrant sheen.

In twilight's glow, the dance goes on,

A celestial waltz beneath the moon's drawn.

Stars in the night sky watch in awe,

As the peacock's beauty becomes the law.

Golden eyes gleam in the darkness,

Reflecting the universe's vastness.

A cosmic ballet, an ethereal trance,

The peacock's dance, a divine romance.

Underneath the canopy of the night,

Colors twirl, a celestial delight.

The peacock, a guardian of dreams,

In moonlit gardens, enchantment gleams.

Whispers of ancient legends tell,

How the peacock's dance casts a spell.

A symbol of grace, beauty untold,

In tales of old, in verses of gold.

With every step, a rhythm refined,

The peacock's dance, a treasure to find.

Lyrics written in nature's script,

A symphony of colors, a soul's uplift.

So, in the garden where dreams take flight,

Watch the peacock in the soft moonlight.

Dancing colors, a magical array,

A poetic ode to nature's grand display.

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